Growing Tomatoes in Containers
Tomatoes thrive in containers. Allegedly.
But we’ve never had success with this technique.
So this year, we’re trying something different. Here is what we did when transplanting tomato seedlings into 5 gallon buckets:
Use well draining potting mix as base (we used Moo Dirt Potting Soil) and start with filling pot 1/3. Begin with just enough dirt to reach the first set of leaves and then add more soil as tomatoes grow
Add the following supplements:
Gypsum — adds calcium to prevent end rot (use a handful and mix into soil at start — before adding plant)
Epsom Salts — adds magnesium (use 1 tbsp at planting time and mix)
Rock phosphate — adds phosphorous (add a handful in planting hole — don’t mix — put roots right on top)
As the plant grows continue filling pot with soil until you reach two inches from the top of pot. This allows the tomato plant to grow roots all the way up.
For reference, this is the video source for this approach ↓